
Better together - for our city

Stadtmarketing Halle (Saale) GmbH (SMG) is a majority-owned subsidiary of the City of Halle (Saale). 45% of the company is also held by private companies and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (5%), which represent bundled interests in terms of city marketing and which also have a significant share in the financing of the company. SMG raises further funds in the future through pooling models and cooperative marketing as well as through partner-financed realisation of individual marketing measures.

City of Halle (Saale)

The City of Halle's involvement in Stadtmarketing Halle (Saale) GmbH shows that it has a very strong interest in the positive development of the location. In addition, the progress and positive image of Halle should also be successfully communicated to the outside world.

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg: "Creating knowledge. Since 1502."

Every year, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the city of Halle (Saale) jointly welcome the many newcomers who move to the city on the Saale for their studies. Since 2009, the University of Halle has been the first university in Germany to become a co-partner in a city marketing company. During the Long Night of Science, the University Information Day (HIT) or the Welcome Day, students and residents of Halle can get to know research and teaching from a new perspective. Halle University can look back on an internationally visible and interdisciplinary networked research tradition of more than 500 years.

Pro Halle e.V.

With its members from the business community, the association pursues an integrative approach to the economic promotion of Halle (Saale) as a business location. This is done, among other things, by promoting general awareness and advertising of the business location, supporting the marketing of economic and tourist potential, and promoting advertising in the city of Halle (Saale) and in the Saale district with the aim of increasing the population's self-identification with their place of residence.

City Community Halle e. V.

The Citygemeinschaft Halle e. V. has set itself the goal of making a visible contribution to increasing the attractiveness of the city of Halle and creating and maintaining a liveable inner city. In doing so, the interests of the trade and commercial enterprises are to be bundled and cooperation is to take place with all companies and institutions in the city of Halle (Saale). For example, the city association coordinates Sundays when sales are open and organises events that enliven the city centre, including special markets, City-Klassik, Maypole-Setting, Lichterfest, City-Beach and the Halle Winter Market. www.

Halle (Saale) Region Development Association e. V.

By bundling the activities of its members, the Förderverein Region Halle (Saale) e. V. aims to raise the profile and enhance the image of the Halle (Saale) region as a business location. This is done through marketing/advertising and public relations work, which can be used to demonstrate the diversity of scientific, cultural, social and ecological potential. This can also help to promote tourism and events. www.

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