Your advantages with the Halle Card

The Halle Card opens the door to twelve excellent museums, includes a guided tour of the beautiful old town and a visit to Germany's only mountain zoo. Free travel by bus and train allows you to explore the city in a comfortable and environmentally friendly way.

Combine your favorite activities and save from the third offer you use!

without Halle CardStandard ticketReduced/children's ticket
State Museum of Prehistory10,00 €3,00 €
Handel House6,00 €4,50 €
Wilhelm-Friedemann-Bach-House3,00 €3,00 €
Francke Foundations8,00 €free of charge
Moritzburg Art Museum incl. special exhibition13,00 €free of charge
Art gallery "Talstrasse"8,00 €6,00 €
Beatles Museum8,00 €5,00 €
Halle City Museum5,00 €3,00 €
Oberburg Giebichenstein (seasonal)4,00 €2,50 €
Central storage of natural science collectionsfree of chargefree of charge
Central Custodyfree of chargefree of charge
Red Ox Memorialfree of chargefree of charge
Salt Museum (from 2025)
Halle Zoo14,00 €8,00 €
City tour "Old town tour"12,50 €10,50 €
Two 24-hour bus & train tickets (fare zone 210)15,00 €7,00 €


with the Halle Card

instead of 106,50 €

for 24,95 €

instead of 52,50 €

for 14,95 €

Important notes

  • Please note the opening hours and closing days of the facilities before you buy and check the websites of the co-operation partners. Here you will find all partners at a glance.
  • The Halle Card is personalised, non-transferable and only valid in conjunction with a valid photo ID.
  • The Halle Card is valid from 8:00 a.m. on the selected start date until 11:59 p.m. on the following day. The start of the validity period is determined when the Halle Card is purchased and is shown on both the digital e-ticket and the wooden card and is therefore binding. The included offers described can only be used during the respective period of validity. A return of the Halle Card is generally excluded; statutory (warranty) rights remain unaffected by this.
  • In order to use the services, the cardholder is obliged to present the original card, e-ticket or ticket printout and to submit it to the service provider for electronic or visual inspection before using the service. If the cardholder has paid the regularly advertised service price to the service partner and only presents the card after payment and/or utilisation of the service, there is no entitlement to a refund.
  • There will be no cash payment for services not utilised and no reimbursement in the event of loss or theft. There will be no reimbursement of costs in the event of temporary closure of facilities, special closing days or other changes. Please check with the service partners in advance if necessary.
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