Handel House Foundation

The birthplace of the famous baroque composer

Handel House Foundation

Handel's birthplace is now home to a museum with two permanent exhibitions. The exhibition rooms provide information about the life and work of the famous Baroque composer. In addition to historical portraits of Handel, one attraction is the baroque theatre, in which various operas by Handel are presented. In a second exhibition, visitors embark on a chronological journey through the history of musical instruments - you can play copies of these instruments yourself. In the nearby Wilhelm-Friedemann-Bach-House, the exhibition "Musikstadt Halle" is dedicated to famous Halle composers from five centuries. In addition, the Handel House Foundation has been organising the internationally renowned Handel Festival since 1922.

Große Nikolaistraße 5, 06108, Halle (Saale)

+49 345 500 90 -0 oder -221


Audio tours in several languages

Mobile information system based on WLAN/WiFi

part of the Halle Card


Opening hours Handel House and Museum Shop

Closed on Mondays (except public holidays and Handel Festival)

April to October: 10:00-18:00

November to March: 10:00-17:00


Opening hours Wilhelm-Friedemann-Bach-House

Only open on Friday and Saturday.

April to October: 10:00-18:00

November to March: 10:00-17:00


  • Permanent exhibition "Handel - the European"
  • Permanent exhibition "Historical musical instruments"
  • Permanent exhibition "Musikstadt Halle" in the Wilhelm-Friedemann-Bach-House
  • Annual exhibition "Charm . Esprit . Gallantry - Handel and France" (24 February 2024 to 7 January 2025)

More information

Simply see more with the Halle Card

The Halle Card opens the door to twelve outstanding museums, includes a guided tour of the beautiful historic city centre and a visit to Germany's only mountain zoo. Free travel by bus and train allows you to explore the city in a comfortable and environmentally friendly way.

Further information and tickets here.


Member of the "Schlüsselbund Hallesche Museen" campaign
1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025

As part of the museum network's "Hallesche Museen Schlüsselbund" campaign, visitors pay 1x the full admission price and 9x the reduced admission price. In addition, they receive a sticker with their ticket at each museum they visit, which they stick onto a collection card with a map of all the museums. Anyone who has managed to collect all the keys will receive the Golden Key of the Museum Network in May 2025, which entitles them to free admission to all participating museums for one year.

Further information here.

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