Orientation week for new students in Halle

Many welcome campaigns

New students can look forward to over 3,800 welcome bags during the orientation week at the start of the winter semester 23/24 on the university square in front of the Löwengebäude in Halle (Saale). From Monday, 2 October and from Wednesday, 4 to Friday, 6 October 2023 (9:00 to 16:00), Stadtmarketing Halle (Saale) GmbH and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) will be distributing the welcome bag with useful information, items and vouchers. With its completely new design, the "first-year students" will also be able to take the transparent "Bib Bag" with them to libraries in future. During the orientation week, Halle City Marketing is also offering new students five free city tours, four bus tours with the "Halle Hopper" and, new this year, two neighbourhood tours to ensure they are well informed when they start their studies in Halle (Saale). Free registration is also possible at short notice by e-mail or online: info@deinhalle.de / www.welcome2halle.de/veranstaltungen

Walks and tours:

Please note: The meeting point for all tours is ten minutes before the start in front of the Löwengebäude at the hallesaale* stand.

The first two days are reserved for international new students with five taster programmes in English: Mon, 2.10.23: walking tour: 10:00 & 12:00, bus tour: 11:00 and Wed, 4.10.23: 9:30 each day: walking tour and bus tour.

On Thursday, 5 October, a total of six free city tours (10:00 and 15:00), Halle-Hopper bus tours (12:00 and 14:00) and the two new neighbourhood tours (11:00 and 14:15)will be offered in German. The neighbourhood tours promise the first speed dating with Halle. There is a full load of insider knowledge: the best cafés near the campus, the best bars and clubs in the city and the nearest canteen.

Further activities:

Other offers at the hallesaale* stand include a wishing tree with greeting cards to attach to your new student days, the hallesaale* post office for postcard greetings from Halle, a job list pillar with the latest job offers, a wheel of fortune with Halle prizes for the perfect start to your studies and games about living in a shared flat.

MLU, the City of Halle (Saale) with Stadtmarketing Halle (Saale) GmbH in cooperation with the Studentenwerk Halle and the Student Council have been welcoming new students to Halle with this joint campaign since 2004.

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